Zenscrape Overview


Zenscrape is a focused web scraping API product spinned off a popular API service APILayer in 2019.

Scraping itself is not difficult. Making scraping scalable and reliable is. This is the reason why we created Zenscrape, our scraper API, in 2019. The API takes care of everything that makes scraping difficult. Captcha solving, IP rotation, JS rendering etc.

While Zenscrape might appear barebones it focuses on user-centric development with easy and simple solutions.

Zenscrape offers only the core web scraping API features like headless browser scraping, implicit anti-bot bypass and residential proxy support.

screengrab of zenscrape scraping dashboard home
screengrab of zenscrape docs
screengrab of zenscrape code builder
api player


  • Simple focused experience
  • Optional Javascript rendering for scraping dynamic pages.
  • Automatic anti-bot bypass attempt
  • Simple pricing scheme


  • Very limited feature set
  • Only scraped content returned
  • No browser control or browser results
  • Poor anti-bot bypass

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Zenscrape vs Other Services

Here's how Zenscrape compares against other web scraping APIs in terms of success rate, speed and cost.

# Service Success % Speed Cost $/1000
1 Scrapfly
2 WebScrapingAPI
3 Scraperapi
4 Zenrows
5 Scrapingbee
6 Scrapingant
7 Scrapingdog
- Scrapeowl - - -
- Zenscrape - - -
Data range Mar 01 - Mar 07

This data is based on the averages of Scrapeway's weekly benchmarks covering 0 most popular web scraping targets and overall:

Zenscrape Benchmarks

Zenscrape Pricing

Zenscrape is a credit-based service where each scrape request can cost 1-25 credits depending on the used proxy type (normal or premium) and whether Javascript rendering is enabled:

Browser Proxy Cost
No Normal 1 credit
No Premium 10 credits
Yes Normal 5 credits
Yes Premium 25 credits

As for pricing plans themselves, Zenscrape offers a simple and straightforward pricing scheme:

Plan Price Credits Concurrency
Small $60 250,000 10
Medium $100 1,000,000 25
Large $250 3,000,000 50
Professional $350 5,000,000 100

Overall Zenscrape' entry plan is not very attractive but it scales much better with higher plan tiers with custom plans also available through sales support.

Zenscrape Features

Overall, Zenscrape offers only the very basic features:

Feature Availability
Browser control No
Custom JS evaluation No
Geolocation Only for Premium proxies, most countries available
Integrations No
Javascript rendering Yes, at extra cost
Proxy support Datacenter default, Residential optional
Screenshots No
Sessions No
Webhook support No

To add, Zenscrape does offer a basic web dashboard that can generate code snippets and display basic usage overview.

Zenscrape Review

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